Money Crash Your Portfolio with Cody

No trades for me today. Steady as she goes, really. We’ve been actively managing the portfolio and our positions within it as the markets, the economy, the Revolutions and the world do what they will.

Such is the key to long-term financial security. Speaking of which, last week, I mentioned that I have started a new service in which I help you individually come up with a long-term game plan and a playbook to go with it. I’ve had so much interest in this service even before I started offering it that I’ve considered calling my, the world’s best, TV agent at CAA and pitching the idea of making a TV show out of this called “Money Crashers” — a financial equivalent of those DIY and HGTV “Yard/Kitchen/House/XYZ Crashers” concept. Anyway, here’s an example of the inquiries I’m getting and the game plan/playbooks I’m coming up with for subscribers already.

Dear Cody, I received your email regarding financial planning and your deep-dive analysis and read it with great interest.  So much so that my husband and I talked over lunch today about having you take a look at our situation.  We are in the category of your recently-retired friends.  We have over the years worked with a couple of financial planners connected to our bank, but haven’t really had a look in the past few years and a lot has happened in our lives that has affected our finances.  Since joining TWC as subscribers over a year ago, we have been really impressed with your knowledge and your creative thinking about all things financial.  Your Revolution Investing concepts have made a big difference in how we work with our assets.

We’ve made lots of good trades on your recommendation—but your Facebook analysis was a real eye-opener.  You were definitely going against the grain, the experts and a lot of conventional wisdom, but you understood and could communicate in a clear and visionary way what that company could be about.  Would never have bought it without you—but we did and have been very happy about it.

Making the hard trades, tranching, trimming, not worrying too much about catching highs and lows, hedging our portfolio with well-timed, well-informed trades on the VIX, the IEF—you are teaching us things that we wish we had known years ago—would have made a big difference.  But it’s never too late right?—so we would like to take you up on your kind offer to talk with us and then have a more in-depth look, we will value your thinking.

Just let us know the next steps, S & B

As I wrote last week, here are the details.

I am constantly asked by friends and family to help them with their money management. In order to do it properly, I go through their individual portfolios, assets and income streams and help get it all safely balanced, tailored to their personal goals, risk-tolerance and desire for upside potential, low-risk, high-yield, and/or security.

Everybody is scared and trying to figure out how to navigate the strange new economy that we live in these days. Whether it’s my recently retired friends, a cousin who’s decade-old business has started booming, former partners from my hedge fund days, or traders from Goldman Sachs — everybody is confused about how best to diversify, hedge and simply invest.

I’ve gotten several requests from subscribers to help them with their personal wealth management. So here’s the deal –  I would be happy to help you come up with as viable, safe and profitable portfolio balancing and long-term plan for your retirement and your family’s future welfare.

As part of the service, we’ll start with a 15-20 minute phone call between you and me (and whoever else you want to conference, be it a money manager or a spouse or whatever). After I get an idea of your set-up and goals, we’ll talk about what other information I’ll need to help you get your ducks in order. And sleep better having a long-term game plan with a 30,000 foot overview of how to win at this most important part of life.

My fees for a deep-dive analysis of your situation and getting you set up for the long-term start at a minimum of $1500 for a smaller portfolio and range up to $7500 for a multi-million dollar portfolio. I’m also going to include a year’s free subscription to, a $999 value.

For more information or to request a first phone call with me personally to get started, email us at