Must-reads about Apple, Google, bubbles and crashes

Lots of news, headlines and cross currents out there. Let’s jump right in and get some gestalt. I’m here at the MoneyShow in San Francisco to give a few presentations and sit on a few panels talking stocks and looking to get some gestalt from the folks here too. According to Wikipedia, “Gestalt psychology or gestaltism is a theory of mind of the Berlin School. The central principle of gestalt psychology is that the mind forms a global whole with self-organizing tendencies.” Does that describe a good approach to investing and trading? I think it does.

Trader’s Deep Thought of the Morning: Is $AAPL overloved again? I’m literally up 100x from my first purchase of the AAPL stock from back in March 2003 and I still own it as one of my Top 3 Biggest positions, but it sure has a lot of love around it right now. I wouldn’t be shocked to see it pop a few more percentage points to maybe $104-105 or so and then flip back and filet all the newfound Apple-stock-lovers. Could Apple drop 10% or more? Sure, it’s happened many times over the last decade while I’ve owned it and it’ll happen again.

Google’s IPO, 10 Years Later: Just 10 Stocks Beat It and Buy into the internet video business while you still can (from 2006) – I’m still long GOOG and GOOGL and they’re still a couple of my biggest positions. And they’re still buying out competition better than anybody else, as I’d put it back then: “Any company with a decent brand that generates serious traffic on the internet is going to get bought by Google, or by any of the Google-wannabes. I call this ‘The Google Put’. And it is going to help fuel a new boom (and perhaps eventually over the course of the next few years, another bubble) for internet content stocks. In 2007, I expect to stick with both GOOG and News Corp NWS as two of the best.”

This sector can withstand all the ‘bubble’ talk and Stock-market bubble will get even bigger (from April 2013) – I’m not calling a top in the economic cycle or this ongoing bubble-blowing bull market until my analysis tells me to. Someone told me the other day that they can’t imagine another 50% stock market crash. I disagree as I do think there will be at least 2-3 more times that we’ll see a “hard to imagine stock market dropping 50%+” in my lifetime at least. As I wrote back in 2013, and as I still could see things playing out over the next year or two: “We get into late 2014 and the S&P 500 spikes 10% in a single quarter to over 2000 (up 30% from current levels) and the DJIA does the same to get over 17,000. Corporate profits and profit margins and cash flows and cash levels will all be at yet new all-time highs. And then somewhere in late 2014/2015, we start to face some of these end-games from the ongoing bailout/fraud/confiscation schemes.”

After AOL Spinoff, StudioNow Raises $5 Million – Bubble blowing bull market continues and needs more fuel like this to keep going.

Fantasy football fueling NFL’s penalty emphasis – Using only apps and smartdevices/wearables, I’m going to join my first ever Fantasy Football League, mainly to see just how easy they’ve made it. Any suggestions? I downloaded Disney’s ESPN Fantasy Football app last night and am about to join a random league so as not to have any pressure on me with a league of friends who know what they’re doing already.

Help me find the next lousy stock to crash – When we find a trend that’s working, we need to be opportunistic about how best to profit from that trend. And as the $COMP hits all-time highs in this bubble blowing bull market, I think there’s going to be a lot of questionable tech stocks that are going to pop no matter what happens with the broader markets in the near- or mid-term. That is, where is the next VRNG, NQ, BBRY and AONE and how best can we most safely try to profit from its coming fall? And speaking of Vringo…

Insider Trading – Lang Andrew Kennedy – Form 4 SEC Filings – Another lousy penny stock insider wins at the retail investors expense. Guess who cashed out $5MM just a few weeks before the $VRNG crashed and burned and dropped 80%. Yup, the CEO and other insiders running this penny stock got rich at the retail investor’s expense, as I always warn you they will.

OTC Pink Sheet Penny Stock Scam – This video is funny but a bit redundant by the end. Then again, that’s accurate in itself when it comes to penny stock traders. If you think you can make money trading penny stocks, watch it with open eyes and learn.

Why Ferguson should matter to investors – Are the tragic happenings and shameful images from Ferguson MO just not on any of the traders’ radars out there? MarketWatch Columnist David Weidner says it should. I pray that for all individuals connected to the Feguson crisis. But I’m not sure it should matter to traders and investors, who are by definition concerned with profits, so social issues.

Health Care: Sound Of Innovation – Is there much innovation in health care anymore? Or is it all just profiteering on taxpayer largesse?

Bank fines now top $142 billion – Eric Holder and his cronies want us to be impressed with the amount of money they’re getting in these fines? I don’t think so. Wake me up when they do their job of serving justice to crooks. When we see a few CEOs and other executives from these banks that lied to investors and regulators about the junk they peddle and that had to be bailed out to survive in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, I’ll be impressed. Til then, it’s a sham.