Must-reads for well-informed investors

Things sure are peaceful if not outright euphoric in the markets out there right now, so let’s continue our “be scared while others are greedy” line of thinking again today and hit on some must-read headlines to help us round out our analysis.

First, be sure to check out my new investment book, Everything You Need to Know About Investing in Gold and Silver.

Gold’s true foe is digital, and bitcoin is its name – I think there’s plenty of room for both physical gold/silver and bitcoin in our portfolios. I have about 10x more worth in my physical gold and silver assets than I do in my bitcoin assets right now and I plan on keeping it at that ratio for the next year or so.

Currency Wars and BitCoin info – I built this page on long before bitcoin was famous, and I visit the page often to help me keep on top of the currency wars and all things bitcoin.

Gold Chart Intraday – The Bernanke Dipsy-Doodle and Germany’s Gold – There’s potential for huge fireworks in gold heading into July 25, when delivery for August contracts is due. There’s less physical inventory to deliver on a record amount of gold contracts in the next couple weeks. Expect more hits on the precious metal ETFs first and then more upside into the delivery dates.

Why Can’t We Party Like It’s 1905? – Fascinating look back at the quality of life and personal freedoms that our great-grandparents had a century ago. Did you know that the dollar has lost more than 99% of its purchasing power since 1905?

200 Years Of The Dow/Gold Ratio Suggest Staggering Moves Dead Ahead – Fascinating chart that drives the point about how screwed up our country’s economy has become in the last 100 years.

Banks Going Bananas – Somebody explain to me again why the Fed remains in “emergency mode” with all kinds of explicit and implicit subsidies, guarantees, accounting gimmicks, etc for the banking industry if profits are at record highs at every major bank? Meanwhile, profits for the biggest banks in the country as a percentage of GDP are also higher than ever.

Analyst’s ‘Obamacare’ winners: hospitals, pharma, device firms – No shocker there, given that the giant hospital, pharma and device firms’ lobbyists wrote the 80,000 page “law” for your Republican/Democrat leaders.

Apple Said Developing Ad-Skipping as Part of TV Strategy and Google Wants to Kill Your Cable TV: Will It Work? – For years I’ve been investing for what I used to call the “Internet Video Revolution” and we’re now seeing the pieces for the final stage of this revolution being set. Biggest winners are these tech companies invading the cable companies’ industries like Time Warner Cable, Dish and DirecTV, which are the biggest losers.

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