Must-reads: Twitter-flash crash, FDR and gold, and more

Wild action today, with a Twitter account, of all things, driving billions of dollars of intraday gains and losses.

I’m not in a rush to trade earnings reports tonight, but feet to fire, I’d rather be long Juniper and Apple than short into the call. Indeed, I think Juniper might even be able to bounce tomorrow if they just report decent numbers. And if they are able to guide higher, the stock could really get going tomorrow. I’m long some common and I will buy a little more before the call tonight.

Apple is just such a battleground stock right now, it’s anybody’s best guess what it’ll do after the close. Here are a few headlines and my analysis for you guys.

How to trade gold, Apple, and earnings – In my column yesterday I wrote: “I use twitter increasingly every day for stock and market news and ideas. You can follow me on twitter at” And today as noted above, the market flash-crashed on a twitter note. Wild. Within ten years Twitter will be worth more than Newscorp or Time Warner. Facebook was worth more than Newscorp for a while last year and will be again

The case against Corzine – Corzine is just the most blatant example of a guy who got away with it. Our society needs justice, blind justice. What’s to stop JP Morgan from London-Whaling their entire depositor base if the executives there know they can get away with it ala corzine?

FRACKING: A Driller Gave Us This Up-Close Look At A Rig That’s Tapping The Marcellus Shale – Fracking industry plants this propaganda then makes the authors use a stupid model picture and no access to actual fracking

When Roosevelt Ditched the Gold Standard – Know your history.

Stocks Rally For Third Day – Long in the tooth, anybody?

College Athlete Ends Career To Donate Bone Marrow To Man With Leukemia – God bless bone marrow donors.

As Internet gets faster, Hong Kong & South Korea lead the broadband speed derby – Alto, NM sure as heck ain’t leading. Best investments on this trend include the aforementioned Juniper.

Netflix shares leap above analyst targets and Time to throw a $1000 price target on Netflix too? – The bubble we’ve been positioned for is here. How big will it get, is the big question. And by the way, all that Netflix traffic needs routers from companies like Cisco and Juniper.