Must reads: Wealth gap, outrageous conflicts of interest, and seven bucks to change the world

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It’s time once again to get gestalt by running through some of the many headlines out there that often only distract us from what matters. Here’s some of what matters, at least to me and my Revolution Investing approach to the markets.

S&P 500, Dow at record – The bubble blowing bull market continues apace, no? The question is whether the DJIA and S&P 500 indicate that the Bubble-Blowing Bull Market continues apace or whether the crashed highflyers indicate that the Bubble-Blowing Bull Market is popped. I still expect more Bubble-Blowing Bull Market ahead. But I still suggest being less aggressive in your bullish positioning than back five years ago when the markets were crashed and not at new all-time highs.

Keepod: Can a $7 stick provide billions computer access? – This is a remarkable idea and one that will eventually go mainstream around the developed and developing economies of the world. I think Sandisk SNDK might be a beneficiary of this trend, but others will be too. More homework to do for this Revolution Investor.

How to balance your Revolution Investing portfolio – This week’s Revolution Investing newsletter looks back at how Jim Cramer taught me to balance my portfolio by creating a list of my positions in order of weighting with a rating for each position too. I also explain this concept in more detail and with more historical details of how I launched my hedge fund from the ruins on 9/11 in the latest Cody Underground Podcast.

Tech Selloff Turns Yelp Into Cheaper Target: Real M&AYELP is a screaming buy from an investment perspective too, say 1 to 3 to 5 years time horizon. If it were to drop short-term from here, I’d likely make it one of my biggest positions. The high rating is Revolution Investing time horizon of 1 to 3 or 5 years or more even.

The Drone Revolution: What it is and how to profit from itLucy Bottrell and I will be publishing our new book in the next couple weeks. Lots of stock picks, ideas, and Revolutionary Investing trends. Here’s a link chock full of info and data on the drone markets and trends. Hint: It’s not about military and law enforcment applications.

Rich Are Getting Richer While The Wealth Gap Widens – Industries with out-of-whack incomes: Banking, pro sports, health care, corporate profits. Hmm. To fix the wealth-gap in this country, just stop subsidizing the 1%. No more taxpayer-funded: Banks, Stadiums, Health Care Systems, or Corporate Profits. Duh!

Obama angers labor groups with Wal-Mart visit – Republican/Democrat Regime owner Wal-Mart to get free advertising and goodwill from their latest puppet president. Funny how I have long attacked Wal-Mart for their corrupt business and tax practices, but somehow I’m not a “Liberal” and Obama and the Democrats of the RDRegime are considered “Liberal.” If you support WMT and its welfare business and hiring practices, you are not a Conservative or a Liberal.

Biden’s Son Gets Ukrainian Oil Company Gig – It’s a dystopian nightmare cum reality. The “Liberal Party’s” admin’s VP’s son gets a board seat in Ukraine where the US taxpayer will now be forced to further enrich the oligarchs he’s partnered up with. The White House says there is no conflict of interest, when in reality, the ONLY thing Joe Biden’s son offers the Ukraine Energy Company is a conflict of interest.

Bitcoin’s Media Sparkle Fades – I’m no chartist. But I do know an U-G-L-Y chart when I see one. BTC be UGLY. I still accept them for payment and I still hold some in float. But I wouldn’t want my career bet or portfolio dependent on the digital currency.