Trade Alert: My latest positions

You don’t need me to tell you the markets are down big today. With the naz back down over 2% and any high beta stock down much more than that, it is U-G-L-Y you ain’t got no alibi ugly out there. The playbook remains the same and you want to take advantage of this weakness by scaling into more on the long side. I am in a board meeting at UNM and am going to scale into some more FFIV and GOOG common stock.

I’m also going to go ahead and sell my BKS puts for some big profits as the stock has fallen from $22.15 since I purchased them just about a month ago. You’ll also notice that I have bumped up the ratings on several of the long positions because I am getting much more bullish.

Here are my biggest positions heading into the weekend:

Longs –

  • Google (8)
  • Apple (9)
  • F5 (8)
  • Level 3 (8)
  • Fusion-IO (8)
  • Sandisk (8)
  • Lindsay (8)
  • Seagate (7)
  • Juniper(7)
  • Cisco (7)
  • Autodesk (7)
  • Nuance (6)
  • Zynga (7)

Shorts –

  • Apollo (6)
  • BKS (6)
  • GLD (7)
  • LPS (7)
  • MBI (7)
  • WDC (5)
  • PNC (5)