News you can use (or ignore, depending on the topic and application)

Let’s run through some headlines I was reading this morning and add some Revolution Investing commentary to each.

One-month shutdown could cost stocks 30%: Barry Ritholtz – I love Barry and he’s an old friend of mine dating back to the time I met him when I walked off an investment panel in which Lenny Dykstra told the audience, “You can’t lose with my options trading strategy!” Anyway, I don’t disagree with Barry’s analysis here, but I do think the market is set up for a, as I put in on my Scutify feed yesterday, “Valuations, timing, part of cycle and simply the fact that back at the last “fiscal cliff crisis,” there was REAL PANIC about the fiscal cliff amongst headlines/investors and this time…the consensus really seems to be “We’ll rally when the get resolution”. I think Mr Market including $SPY, $DJIA, $QQQ will look to dole out some pain instead. FLIP IT! 😉

Tarnished J.P. Morgan holds luster for investors – I’ve been wrongly short JPM for a while now, on the thesis that the company’s ability to use the Fed’s balance sheet and 0% interest rates and endless fraud suits and settlements wouldn’t be valued as “normalized” earnings by the market. I still think the TBTF banks are at a place where it is truly “as good as it can get” for them, and that’s definitely not a time for a long-term investor to buy the Goldmans, Bank of Americas and JPM’s of the world.

Gatsby Stays on Farm as Income Gap Limits Mobility – How can anybody talk about the exploding income and wealth gaps and not address the trillions of dollars that the TBTF banks and giant lobbying corporations have gotten in taxpayer support in the last few years?

U.S. Stocks Fluctuate Before Earnings Amid Debt Debate – And the debt debate? The Republicans want to talk about debt and limiting spending without addressing the continuous new targeted tax tricks and welfare spending on the aforementioned TBTF banks and giant lobbying corporations? Gimme a break.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – U.S. Government – You truly sound like an idiot if you think you or anyone else can “summarize” this bill that is fulll of endless Republican/Demcorat anarchy like this, an actual random section I pulled out of the actual Obamacare bill,


‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion with respect to such plan or coverage.’’; and (B) by transferring such section (as amended by subpara- graph (A)) so as to appear after the section 2703 added by paragraph (4); (3)(A) in section 2702 (42 U.S.C. 300gg–1)— (i) by striking the section heading and all that follows through subsection (a); (ii) in subsection (b)— (I) by striking ‘‘health insurance issuer offering health insurance coverage in connection with a group health plan’’ each place that such appears and inserting ‘‘health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage’’; and (II) in paragraph (2)(A)— (aa) by inserting ‘‘or individual’’ after ‘‘employer’’; and (bb) by inserting ‘‘or individual health coverage, as the case may be’’ before the semicolon; and (iii) in subsection (e)… “

Owners Per Ounce of Silver and Gold at the Comex – I have a lot of respect for Jesse’s insights especially within the precious metals sector. There’s a difference between the markets in gold and silver, both physical and paper, and I’d expect that over time, gold has more upside than silver, measured over the next few decades, that is.

I’m finishing up a report on a new name, so stay tuned.