Not so random thoughts

Not so random thoughts

A few not so random thoughts.

First, I have a couple upcoming events to tell you about.

From September 11 – 12, 2014, I’ll be speaking at The All Stars of Options Trading (See details below). And, from November 19 – 22 I’ll be speaking at The Traders Expo Las Vegas. Register for the Las Vegas event for free by clicking here.

Very cool graphic display of how quickly the big tech companies make money. Per second profits.

Up on hype, I think $DGLY is headed back to where it was before the recent hypeful rally. I highly doubt $DGLY ‘s move from $2.50 to $19 over the last two weeks. On Scutify, I made a Sentiment View bet against it, is shorter-term taking the other side of the extra 20% pop today. I can’t find any DGLY common stock to borrow, and there are no options for it, so I’m just pointing it out for you guys.

Here’s the full movie Robert McNamara in “Fog of War”. Keep in mind regarding the the Ukraine/Russia crisis. The fog of war is thick now, which makes the markets less certain, which over time can contract multiples and bring down valuations. I’ve been saying we are in a currency war & how the “fog of war” is building.

Cody Underground podcast: You can bet there will be continued escalation and U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Did you forget this all-important factoid about Ukraine/U.S. ties & the conflicts of interest therein?…

Here’s another great chart from a New York Federal Reserve blog post on August 14 shows the composition of auto loans, which are on the rise for borrowers of all credit scores. Interesting that subprime loans are still a much smaller piece of the overall car loan pie than they were from 2000-2008, no?…

Scutify Chart of the Day: The iPad by itself generates more revenue than $YHOO, $FB, $LNKD, $TWTR, $GRPN and $TSLA combined.