Notes on Twitter, Yandex and a new long idea I’m looking at

Join me in Las Vegas in next week as I’ll be speaking three times at the Las Vegas Money Show:

TWTR Twitter at $38 is starting to pique my interest, but in the near-term, I’d rather wait until (if) the stock were to hit $35 or below before nibbling on some. Longer-term, I continue to hold my existing common stock position in the name steady.

YNDX Yandex is stagnating here under $20. I’m also holding it steady for now, as it’s my single smallest long position anyway.

Morning everybody. I’m back after a couple days away working and traveling. $DIS‘s done an amazing job of rolling up competition (probably illegally given the anti-trust laws that this country has but doesn’t bother enforcing anymore but I digress) such as Marvel, Star Wars, Winnie, etc. Did you know that $ICON owns Peanuts and Snoopy? Anybody here know anything about $ICON? I saw it as a “#1 idea” at a hedge fund idea conference last year, and it’s down 50% since then and I’ve been doing some homework on it. They’re going to release a new Peanuts movie in November that could be the next catalyst for the stock — up or down based on how the movie’s franchise does.

Meanwhile, I’m in Albuquerque again today, to get Amaris her 30-week check up.  I’ll be back home tomorrow and I have a pent-up bunch of stuff to write about and analyze and tell you about, so I’ll talk to you then.