Personal Note: I’m exhausted, emotionally and mentally

I need to let all of you who subscribe to Trading With Cody know that I’m exhausted, emotionally and mentally. I’ve shed a lot of tears over the last few weeks — tears of joy, sadness, worry, relief, joy, exhaustion and other emotions. I’m not getting much sleep and my wife is getting even less than I am. We have two dogs and a cat and a beautiful home in Ruidoso, so I’ve been driving back and forth from Albuquerque to Ruidoso, 180 miles each way, several times a week for the last couple months.

We’ve now rented a house in Albuquerque so we can settle in there and we learned yesterday that we might be able to bring Amaris out of the hospital to that home, possibly as early as sometime next week.

I love to work and write and talk about stocks and to build companies like Scutify and Trading With Cody. And work allows me to focus on something other than just all the emotions of what’s been going on with my daughter Amaris and how it’s affecting my other daughter, Lyncoln, my wife and me, our families and our entire lives.

I see Twitter down 15% today and my stomach drops. GDX and SLV aren’t lighting the world on fire either. Sure, we’ve got our longer term winners, and our playbook holds up as usual, but I feel like I’m ice cold right now. One of the many lessons I’ve learned over the years, is to know when you’re in a streak and to recognize when you’ve gone cold.

I don’t feel like I’m doing a good job for you subscribers right now. I feel out of sync with the markets and my trades. I think it’s time for me to just step away from the keyboard for a few days and catch my breath. Thank you for understanding.
