Personal Update and a Market Note

My littlest daughter, Amaris, has been in the hospital since Friday with a bad cough and a tear duct infection and she’s still there but she has made a big improvement over the last 24 hours. I’m going to be in Albuquerque for the next couple days or so.

I will be working some when I’m not taking care of the family, and let’s do plan on having our new weekly Q&A Conference Call at 2pm ET on Wednesday.
Dial-in: #: 641-715-0700
Access Code: 709981

And I’ll poke my head into the Trading With Cody Chat Room ( every day too.

Stocks are down a little today. I wouldn’t mind seeing PANW, TWTR and/or PI get hit for 5 or 10% in a broader market pullback (if there ever is a broader market pullback, of course!) as places I’d likely nibble some. But as you know, I’m not in any kind of rush in forcing a trade.