Please Answer Our Poll: The hardest trade to make

If the hardest trade to make is usually the right one, what’s the hardest trade to make right now after the market sold off to start December after a strong year for stocks? It’s probably harder to buy than sell right now. Money managers who are judged at year’s ends are probably wondering if they should sell now to protect what has probably been a pretty good year for many of the longs. Now let’s not take this theory too seriously with our hard-earned money, but I am quite curious what my Trading With Cody community thinks —
The hardest trade to make right now is:
- Buying more stocks
- Trimming stocks/reducing exposure
- Sitting tight
Hit reply on this email and/or stop by and vote on Twitter.

Here’s another Cybertruck thought for you before I go tonight.
Is it even possible to lose money buying the original Tesla Cybertruck? I mean, even if you drive it for twenty years, you’ll still own the original Cybertruck, which will certainly be a collector’s item in two or three decades. I might buy one, have them deliver it to my barn, keep it in its plastic and send it to auction in thirty years.
Join me Tuesday morning at 10am ET for this week’s Live Q&A Chat. Come directly to the TWC Chat Room or just email us your question to