Post Fed Crash Cycle Rinses and Repeats

How long does Powell have in this job? His credibility, what little is left of it, takes another hit whenever the markets do these post-Fed announcement crashes. Which has been common place for the last year. Biden and Powell are both hoping they can just keep jawboning their will on the markets and economy but this remains a no BS market.

I’m covering some shorts again in the hedge fund today and I’ve been trading around those hedges all week in there. Nibbled a little bit of QCOM. Easy does it even as nothing in this market right now is easy. Fear, greed and other emotions are the enemy. We were positioned defensively and cautiously for the last year and now we can slowly continue to build up some long exposure but we don’t have to draw any lines in the sand.

I have a handful of new names that I think can be 10-100 baggers in the next ten years that I’m doing hard work on right now so stay tuned and be cool.

We will do this week’s Live Q&A chat at 1pm ET tomorrow (Friday) in the TWC Chat Room or just email us your question to