Predictions for the Iowa caucuses and market notes

Predictions for the Iowa caucuses and market notes

What’s up with you all to get this week started? Anybody nervous or otherwise feeling emotions about your portfolios? Hit reply to this email or join me in the Trading With Cody Chat Room here or in the Trading With Cody app and let me know what’s on your mind and what you’re feeling. It’s helpful for me to tailor this service to be as helpful as possible.

Looks like we’re getting a bit of a rally off of this morning’s early lows in the stock markets as yet another Fed official, Stanley Fischer this time, hints at a less dovish stance. Just like we’ve been expecting.

No trades for me yet today. Doing lots of homework and talking to sources and analysts and otherwise networking today.

Big week ahead, including today’s Iowa caucuses, though I’m not sure that’s a market moving kind of event. Politically, I am a proud independent and am very vocal in my anti-Republican/Democrat Regime stance, as anybody who’s ever seen me on TV or read my articles knows. But I obviously follow the elections even as I refuse to join one of those parties that try so hard to marginalize independent parties and free-thinking debate. My best guess for tonight’s caucuses? Cruz wins followed closely by Rubio followed closely by Trump. And Hilary barely squeaks by Sanders. I wouldn’t waste my vote on any of the aforementioned at the general election later — indie or write-in or bust! Maybe I’ll make another run as a write-in candidate, haha.

By the way, the best way to follow the Iowa Caucuses today and tonight are the Headline apps for iOS and for Android or on Headlne collates all the tweets from the best news sources into one place. The Home page features the biggest headlines but be sure to try the search function for “Caucus” to see the very latest caucus headlines from our news sources as they get posted to Twitter.

Tonight after the close we get Google Alphabet’s earnings report. Will it Facebook the quarter or will it Amazon the quarter? I think $GOOG will show strong topline results and even stronger bottom line results. Will the stock react well tomorrow? I’d guess we see a 5-10% pop, but I’m not trying to game that other than just holding onto my large and long-held Google stock.

LinkedIn reports Thursday and what a battlefield that stock (like so many others in the market) has become.

Oh yea, and that football game will be hyped to death all week.

Here’s a few more notes for you.

Robert Marcin wrote: “I cant believe that the central bankers think negative int rates will fix the problem. They are morons.” I can believe it and do expect the FED to take rates back to 0% and create new QE, in large part because Central Bankers are indeed morons! Seeing the Fed set rates to negative levels wouldn’t shock me either. The FED/Republican Democrat Regime is going to try to weaken the dollar again, methinks.

Robert Marcin also wrote: ” Today, I believe there is a corporate debt bubble still in force and a energy bubble that has mostly burst. Can these create the fundamental havoc that the prior 2 bubbles did?” And that’s really a big question there…There’s a handful of trillion dollars worth of energy debt and probably another few trillion dollars in other commodity debt out there. But I think the commodity bust is hurting major economies and their currencies and that could be a Black Swan ahead. So the answer to your question is…probably?

Good graphic: How the strong dollar has battered earnings for U.S. tech firms

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