Rocking and rolling in California

“In Los Angeles, everyone is a star.” – Denzel Washington

On Saturday night at 10pm I was holding little Amaris because I was on “Amaris duty” for the night. My phone beeped and it was a text from Bob Weir who wants his own app based on a solution I showed him a few weeks ago.

He wanted to know if I could hop on a flight so I could meet his manager and come to his show in Los Angeles….Monday night.

So I hopped on a plane yesterday and am currently sitting in the Sirius XM west coast studios after having spent last night with people from the Tonight Show and at Bob Weir’s concert meeting his manager. It is always great to travel and see what the economy and various sectors in the economy and specific regions of our economy are doing.

The entertainment business is in full boom, as you and I have long expected it will be. As the distribution costs to get entertainment in front of consumers continue to decline, content is more valuable than ever. We have $SNE-Sony, $LGF-Lion’s Gate as two great plays on the content is king concept.

Twitter is down $5 bucks since we trimmed it yet again underscoring why we use our disciplined approach. Biotech continues to get slammed with the $IBB at multi-month lows today.

I will be back to New Mexico tonight and will have a full write up on all of our positions tomorrow.

We will also have a full on Q&A tomorrow and will address all questions posted in the chatroom or sent by email while I have been traveling.

Rock on indeed.