See the gestalt of the world we live in

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ge·stalt – psychology : something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow more than or different from the combination of its parts

The gestalt of world we live in is full forces that drive the stock market and our economy and global politics and finance. Let’s run through some headlines and links and some Revolution Investing commentary for each to see the gestalt. Well, at least a bit of it.

Ultimate Bitcoin Showdown: Schiff vs. Voorhees – Why do so many goldbugs hate $BTC bitcoin? I can see not chasing it after a 10,000% move straight up, but to hate on the whole idea of bitcoin? Really? Wazzup with that? Check out the date on this Peter Schiff bitcoin discussion. — Yes, back in 2011, he was way ahead in talking about bitcoins. And $BTC up 10,000% since then. Wow.

Google stock split? Well, the Google founders said they were going to use the Warren Buffett Berkshire $BRK approach and never split their stock. Remember Google May Follow Buffett’s Way by Shunning Split from back in 2005? I do.

Revolutionary stocks with dividends – In this week’s newsletter, I highlight  five Revolution Investing portfolio stocks that pay the highest dividends, in order of dividend yield. On of the names, Sandisk, is dominating a huge growth market of flash storage and the company’s margins are expanding over time, which is exactly what we’ve been expecting since I added it to the portfolio years ago. I expect higher dividend payments over the next few years. And higher stock prices over the next few years too. The kid in this video knows the future. Do you?

Online shopping brings mall retailers no holiday cheer – On the other hand, $AAPL iPads are the Xmas season’s hottest sellers and each iPad represents hundreds or thousands of dollars in future revenue from apps, entertainment, music, and other services that people then consumer on those iPads through the Apple eco-system. I’d mentioned last month that Apple’s stock “will likely go up if iPad and iPhone Xmas season sales are big. It’ll fade if they’re so-so.” I think there’s still much more long-term upside for Apple but there sure a lot of newfound Apple bulls coming out already again.

Gold rebounds after 2-session drop of over 2% – There is still a big disparity the prices being reported and what you would pay for a one ounce gold coin. I welcome the opportunity to buy another tranche of $gold coins at $1200 /oz. Not there yet tho.

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PS. Isn’t gestalt one of those words that just doesn’t sound right after you’ve typed it a few times?

PPS. Gestalt, gestalt, who is John Galt?