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Also, a couple Cody Underground Podcasts that I want to share. Brian Gallo and Robert Marcin are both completely contrarian and unique in their approaches — and absolutely nothing alike. You will learn a lot about how two very smart professionals handle their money, their approach to the markets and much more.

Cody Underground Podcast – Brian Gallo tech investing trailblazer:

* How to diversify (or not)
* How to find the next $TSLA, $FB and $AAPL
* When to sell (or not)
* Why you should be willing to lose everything on any stock you invest in
* And much more

Cody Underground Podcast – Robert Marcin Value Investor Legend

* How much to invest in stocks vs cash vs bonds
* How to avoid the next market crash
* How the government impacts the markets
* What stocks he would be buying or shorting right now
* And much more.

Stay focused, stay disciplined, stay vigilant.