Special Bonus for TradingWithCody subs: Free access to the coolest, smartest, most addictive stock market game ever

Apple’s finally not straight down on the day, for what seems the first time in months, no?  Facebook, on the other hand…down today and back below $20 a share. A few weeks ago I bought a tranche around these levels and I’m not going to add again here right now, but if you haven’t bought FB at all yet, it’s probably not a bad time to start your first tranche here.

Have I got a treat for you guys.  I spend a lot of time going back in history and looking at the headlines and how certain stocks or markets have performed in parallel scenarios from the past. And over the last year and a half of writing and building a very helpful community at TradingWithCody.com, I’ve realized just how underdeveloped most investors’ and traders’ sense of history really is. We all know that our brain distorts events when it pulls them up as memories. And so many times, we think we know how a stock should trade today based on a faulty memory of how it traded last time.

So with that in mind, I started building what I hope is the world’s coolest, smartest and most-addictive Wall Street trading game ever — Stock Market Events That Mattered (Or Did They?), a fantasy stock market world where the player would go back in time to some of the biggest events in markets history and choose how to play each set up. The players would be choose whether they want to be a short-term trader trying to turn $1 million into more than $150 million or if they want to see if they can invest $5 million with a buy-and-hold-forever approach to even greater fortunes. Just like in the real-world by using real-world events like the launching of the first iPhone or when Steve Jobs first came back to Apple in 1998.

  • Did Apple go straight up after the first iPhone was announced and when Jobs came back on board for the first month?
  • How about over the first year?
  • Did RIMM crash or spike when they announced what eventually turned out to be the disastrous Playbook tablet?

But a great trader and investor need to go broader than anyone sector too of course, so we also added hundreds of setups and outcomes where the player has to choose such things as:

  • Whether to trade (or invest in) GE as we invaded Iraq in March 2003
  • How you should play biotech Gilead’s potential blockbuster drug, Darusentan
  • Or what’s the best way to profit from Nike’s rollout of the original Air Jordan.
  • and many others.

The performance of these stocks and markets in the short-term, mid-term and long-term after each of these very significant junctures will absolutely blow your mind.

And what makes the game even cooler is that just like in the real-world, you get to compete against everybody else as you try to make the Top 10 Traders of All-Time list. Find out what kind of title you can attain (and keep) on Wall Street. Can you move up from Junior Trader to Managing Director and become a Wall Street Legend without first falling from grace and ending up an amateur daytrader?

Over the course of the next year, we’ll be rolling out a steady stream of these games with various themes, including —

  • Apple Events That Mattered (Or Did They?)
  • Oil Events That Mattered (Or Did They?)
  • War Events That Mattered (Or Did They?)
  • Google Events That Mattered (Or Did They?)
  • Tech Events That Mattered (Or Did They?)

We went and found historical footage of every event from the time it was happening with videos including:

  • Bill Cosby announcing New Coke and a look back at New Coke and its impact on the cola industry from thirty years later
  • Traders on the floor going crazy about one of oil’s biggest spikes ever
  • A profile on Enron’s collapse as it was happening
  • A profile on the promise of “The New Economy” from the peak of the bubble
  • Or, yes, we found Steve Jobs’ first presentation from when he returned to Apple in 1998.
  • And many more historical videos.

The game is designed so that anybody, regardless of trading and investing experience can play it, learn from it, and have a blast doing it.At ThatMattered.com, I’ll be charging the general public $9.99 to play the first game, Stock Market Events That Mattered (Or Did They?), and $49 for access to this one and all future games for a year. But you know I’m gonna hook up all my TradingWithCody.com subscribers with access to all of these games for free. In fact, we’ve already imported your usernames and you will be receiving an email in a few minutes from ThatMattered.com with a unique password for the site.After you get the email, you can log into to play the new game Stock Market Events That Mattered (Or Did They?) at ThatMattered.com by using your existing username from TradingWithCody.com and your unique password for ThatMattered.com. You can easily change your password, including to match your TradingWithCody.com password if you wanted, once you’re logged into the new site.And of course, if you ever have any problems with either TradingWithCody.com or ThatMattered.com, my support staff is here to help at support@tradingwithcody.com.Finally, don’t forget that we’ve got this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 2pm EST at http://tradingwithcody.com/Chat.