Spend a lifetime with Trading With Cody

It’s been quite a year for Trading With Cody subscribers. Just to parrot one of my subscriber emails from this morning — Campbell’s Soup at the bottom near $31 (now close to $50, Qualcomm in the $50s (now at $80), Tesla/Tesla/Tesla(!) in the low $200s (now over $400) and quite a few other winners (along with a few losers of course). Another email this morning was from a newer subscriber to Trading With Cody who was wondering if we still offer Lifetime subscriptions. Though we filled the TWC4Life Lifetime Subscription offer last year, we decided we should probably open up another 50 slots offering a Lifetime subscription to Trading With Cody.

Your TWC4Life Lifetime Subscription includes a lifetime of access to all of Trading With Cody plus a decade of annual 30 minute 1-on-1 conversations with me to talk about your portfolio or any other topics you choose.

At just $5995, you could save tens of thousands of dollars on your Trading With Cody subscription over the next three decades. You also get to talk to Cody personally every year for the next ten years for 30 minutes at a pop.

And don’t worry — if you’re an annual subscriber, we’ll refund your most recent annual payment when you sign up for “Trading With Cody For Life.” If you’re a monthly subscriber, we’ll refund up to your last six months’ worth of payments.

Again, this offer is limited to just the first 50 existing Trading With Cody subscribers who sign up today here:
