Stock markets tanking. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies crashing. Need help?

Bitcoin crashing to new lows. Somebody saw it coming, sold almost all of his bitcoins and published an Amazon best-selling book warning everybody to get out when bitcoin was hitting $19,000 — the same person who’d had the foresight to write in WSJ about putting 1% of his portfolio into bitcoin back in 2013 when bitcoin was at $100.

Want to know when Cody will start buying cryptocurrencies again and, more importantly, which cryptocurrencies Cody will be buying?

Sign up at to get started on becoming a better investor, to get help finding what Cody is calling the “Amazons and Googles of the Cryptocurrency Revolution,” to find out what blockchain stocks are worth owning, to see what stocks Cody is buying right now because he thinks they could be his next 5-10 baggers.

Long-time followers of Cody’s have been there for it all — buying Apple back in March 2003 at $1 (now at $178), Google on the day of its IPO at $45 per share (now at $1149), Facebook at $20 after its post-IPO crash (now at $184), bitcoin at $125 in 2013, Axogen at $4 in 2015 (now at $36), Nvidia at $30 in 2016 (now at $249), Solar Edge at $14 in 2016 (now at $55); or shorting Valeant at $168 (now at $17), Pandora at $18 (now at $5) — and others.

Here are some of Cody’s most recent posts on Some of the pages require a subscription, so sign up today for a monthly subscription and we’ll refund your first month’s payment.

Trade Alert: You scared, worried or relieved? Why I’m buying some put hedges

January 30, 2018 by

Here’s a question for you all: How does the 1% pullback today make you feel? Worried? Happy because you’ve been wanting a pullback and you’re putting money to work? Relieved that there’s finally a pullback? Other? Personally, I have to admit that I almost feel a sense of relief in seeing the stock market finally have a -1% day. And mind you, 1% sell-offs used to be routine … [Read more…]

Trade Alert: Nibbling some more puts and trimming some 3-5 baggers

February 6, 2018 by

Long-time subscribers know that “Trading” With Cody can be a bit of a misnomer because we mostly just try to invest in great Revolutionary companies and hold onto them for the long-term (and we try to short crappy companies in declining sectors too). But when the markets get a bit crazy and/or I see opportunity, I do step up my trading a bit … [Read more…]

Trade Alert: Nibbling some puts again

March 6, 2018 by

We’ve all heard and read the supposed pros and cons of Trump’s threatened steel and aluminum tariffs for the past few days. The positives of tariffs on steel and aluminum pretty much belong to steel and aluminum companies and to Trump’s cronies like Wilbur Ross, who has made billions in the steel industry over the years and has billions in investments stretching across his … [Read more…]

Six reasons why I’ve shifted to selling rallies instead of buying dips

March 7, 2018 by

The biggest difference in my approach right now vs what my approach has been for the last eight years is that I’m selling the rallies rather than buying the dips. So many times in the past few years as I’ve been so strongly bullish, I’ve used any meaningful pullback in the stock markets as an opportunity to buy more of our stocks, add new names cheaper than I would have gotten to otherwise, and even occasionally to buy call options on our stocks and/or the indexes … [Read more…]

Facebook, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies: Where’s the fear?

March 21, 2018 by

I’d spent 45 minutes giving a speech warning people about cryptocurrencies and why they should be fearful of the whole cryptocurrency market right now and how I had written a book predicting The Great Cryptocurrency Crash that was published on the day bitcoin hit $20,000 and that I thought bitcoin would hit $1000 or less before The Great Cryptocurrency Crash was over. And after I finished the speech … [Read more…]

Trade Alert: Nibbling some longs, trimming puts

April 2, 2018 by

Okay, I’m going to take advantage of this panicky sell-off action to nibble a few of my favorite longs here and to trim just another 5% or so of my puts. I’m nibbling a 1/3-sized tranche of [sign up for Trading With Cody to see this stock]. I’m nibbling a smaller 1/5-sized tranche of [sign up for Trading With Cody to see this stock]. With the Nasdaq down nearly 4% on the day and the DJIA -700 points, I’m also selling about more of my puts, leaving … [Read more…]

Algo’s for algo’s, which cryptos, and lots of stock-os

April 4, 2018 by

Q. Cody, can you tell us — when you end up purchasing crypto weeks/months/years(?) from now, will these be more of the obscure alt-coin varieties that we’ll need to have an account on a specific exchange (as opposed to more widely-knowns like Litecoin & Ethereum that are more-easily available on something like Coinbase)? A. I’ll probably buy… [Read more…]

Earnings might not save stocks near-term either

April 6, 2018 by

How many times have you heard or read about how this quarter’s earnings are going to be remarkably strong and that will “prop up the market” or “help change the narrative” or “get stocks back on track”? Earnings reports can’t get here soon enough for a market trying to … CNBC-Apr 3, 2018 The stock market needs more earnings growth to justify current prices, and … [Read more…]