Stocks, Cryptos And Electric Vehicles All Say The Same Thing

Stocks, Cryptos And Electric Vehicles All Say The Same Thing

The markets are volatile right now as the bulls and bears tug back and forth. I continue to think that the broader markets are top heavy and will struggle to make new all-time highs into year-end. I especially remain bearish on most recent de-SPAC’d stocks and/or the recent highflying tech IPOs, most all of which have continued to get slammed during the last couple weeks of gyrating market action. Like with dozens of electric vehicle (EV)-related stocks that I describe below, there are hundreds of publicly-traded stocks that are headed down another 90% in coming weeks and months. So remain vigilant about what you buy and keep some cash to build up the good stocks.

I remain neck-deep in Space Cryptocurrency. We have 30 people now volunteering their time and energy on the sktls cryptocurrency for outer space and we’ve been testing out our tokens on a test network app (if you’d like to volunteer too, just email us at I can’t quite describe to you all yet what my brain is processing as I learn so much more of the nitty-gritty of cryptocurrency workings, development and concepts. But oh boy, is my mind racing. I can just sense that I’m about to have some serious epiphanies about how to position ourselves for the next stage of cryptocurrency and blockchain advancements.

But today, I’m going to hit on another favorite topic of mine — People ask me all the time what other EV stocks beside TSLA they should be looking at. I have a story about Tesla that will help lead us to answer to that question.

A couple weeks ago, my wife and I had to run up to the Tesla service center in El Paso, about 2 hours from our house. When we’d tinted the windows on our Model 3 a few weeks prior, the passenger window started acting funky when we’d try to raise or lower it from the driver side controls. We pulled into the service center parking, followed the sign to an automatic garage door that opened for us and pulled in front of a nice man sitting at a desk. He knew who we were, asked us if there were any other issues Tesla could fix while the car was here (we had a cracked taillight and they fixed it for $200 or so). The he handed us a fob and said that our replacement car, a 2019 Model S, was waiting for us outside. It had been a while since I’d been in a Model S, and oh my, are they nice. So nice that my wife started looking into how much we can get for our Model 3 in case we want to trade up finally and what we found blew our mind.

Most of you reading this probably remember when and why I bought my Tesla Model 3, two and half years ago. I wanted to see what kind of car Tesla had actually produced the mass market, along with wanting to see their Full Self Driving technologies. My wife and I bought the long-range, dual motor, Model 3 with FSD, which cost about $3000 at the time, for $55,000 or so. The car now has 31,000 miles on it and with a shortage of new cars out there for people to buy along with the FSD technology now going for $10,000 a pop, our 2018 Tesla Model 3 is worth $56,000.

A few years ago, Elon told everyone that Tesla cars would turn into appreciating assets, becoming worth more than what you paid for them:

I guess he turned out to be right already! My Tesla Model 3 is now worth almost 2% more than what I paid for it after 1000 days of driving it. One other thing to note is that Tesla’s stock has gone up even more than the price of FSD over that last 2.5 years while I’ve owned my Tesla Full Self Driving package. The price for Full Self Driving from Tesla has gone from $3000 to $5000 to $8000 to $10,000 (or about 233% since we bought our Tesla car), but the stock price has gone from $50 to $500 back to $100 to $900 back to $500 and now at about $800 (or up about 1500% since we bought our Tesla stock). Amazing.

It’s no surprise that the rest of the world, especially the car industry, has finally jumped in and started investing hundreds of billions of dollars in Electric Vehicles. Tesla’s valuation 4/5 of a trillion dollars. I wouldn’t want to load up on a fresh new long Tesla position right now but frankly, I’d rather do that than start buying most any of these companies mentioned in the below Marketwatch article that are not named Tesla. Maybe Rivian, Lucid, Nio, Xpeng and Buffett-backed BYD make it. But most of the others, including the old Detroit and European gas car makers are in trouble in coming years as the field is clearly way too crowded. Most EV companies will, of course, go bankrupt before they make it ten years.

A few months ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to buy a house 2500′ lower than where we had been living with Amaris, our little daughter who needs oxygen and breathes through a trachea tube. Moving from 7500′ elevation to 5000′ elevation would likely mean that we can get her off oxygen enough that we can eventually get the trachea tube out. So when the opportunity to buy a beautiful property on 300 acres (it even came with a sweet ol donkey!), we hopped on it. We moved to the new house a few months ago and Amaris’ first surgery step towards getting her trache out was scheduled for a couple months from now — but it’s now been postponed because of the risk of Covid exposure at elective surgeries like this right now.

To sum things up, the markets and EV stocks are not what we want to focus on right now — it’s The Space Revolution and blockchain/crypto that is from where the next big things will come. Even blockchain/crypto feel bubbled up as there are thousands of tokens out there trading for a collective hundreds of billions of dollars that will be wiped out at some point, probably soon. That said, I’m saying that Blockchain/Crypto and Space are two places we should continue to dig into to find the NEXT generation of Revolution investments for us. Everything else, just might be a waste of time right now. Stay focused and don’t let yourself just churn around and buy new positions to keep yourself entertained. The great wealth isn’t built by over night and I think I see trillions of dollars that are going to be made in coming years in space and blockchain crypto.