Almost Everyone Is All In On AI. What does that mean for us?
What does the uniformity of agreement regarding AI mean for the markets and for us?
What does the uniformity of agreement regarding AI mean for the markets and for us?
Here's How The Nvidia Platform Will Propel The Company To Be The Apple Of The AI Revolution
Here’s a list of my positions, in approximate order from largest to smallest, though the variations between relative sizes are decreasing as time wears on and I get these longer positions built up. We’ll have some shorter-term and newer name trades in coming weeks to complement these longer-term
Here’s a random email I got today about an article full of what have turned out to be some very profitable predictions and principles for investors that I wrote a few years ago. It’s remarkable how many emails I get from random people about articles I’ve written,
Here’s a list of my positions, in approximate order from largest notional size, to smallest: Longs – Corning Nuance Riverbed Cisco Cypress Celestica Ciena Microsoft Apple Google Adtran DBA Visteon Nokia Shorts – GLD SLV LPS LYV XLF CVC
Silver has dislocated itself to the downside again today, losing almost 5% this morning and making our SLV puts pop. Gold down. It sure seems to me that silver and not gold is the driver of the direction of the precious metals everyday. Nice gains in the portfolio again this
Let’s analyze the price Microsoft paid for Skype, the reason why Microsoft bought Skype and how we should trade our Microsoft now. First off, let’s talk price. $8.5 billion is a lot of money and as a Softee shareholder, I do wish they’d only paid the
Instead of Microsoft common, I’ve ended up buying Microsoft call options, mostly with the $25 strike price, that will expire in January 2013. It always shocks me how cheap the premium for call options in Softee can be when the stock flatlines for a few months as it has
A gentle rally to start the day in the broader stock markets and in the precious metals too. And our portfolio’s up gently this morning too. Let’s be gentle traders today, shall we? Meaning, let’s not force anything but let’s dig in and look for some
Here’s my positions, in general order from largest notional position to smallest, though they all are about where I want them to be right now: Longs – Corning Cisco Nuance Celestica Cypress Riverbed Ciena Apple Microsoft DBA Visteon Google Nokia Adtran Shorts – GLD SLV LPS XLF LYV
We are probably now more than halfway through with the earnings season, though next week will bring another barrage and there are a few laggard reporting schedules after that too. Here’s the earnings dates for all our positions: * aapl – Already Reported on Apr 20th * adtn – Already Reported on Apr
It’s a flattish open, but the story of the day is the 15% drop, the crushing of RIMM. I’ve kept us out of RIMM and even had it as a short position in the Revolution Investing model portfolio last year before I started trading again where we rode