The Amazon of Cryptocurrencies

The Amazon of Cryptocurrencies

Cody’s been busy adding some new Revolutionary stock positions, analyzing and predicting the market and its moves, buying what he thinks might be “The Amazon of Cryptos” as he puts it. Read on and join the Trading With Cody community to see all of Cody’s positions, trade alert, analysis and to become a better investor today. Here are some of his recent posts…

Ping pong stocks, FB and Google WANT regulation, Can Amazon earnings grow 10-fold? and more

April 26, 2018 By

On the regulation note, here’s a thought: Facebook, Twitter, Google, SnapChat — they’re going to get cracked down on the data, and it’s gonna be much harder, much more expensive to meet the regulations if you want to be a major social media company. So guess what that does? You can watch a replay video of Cody discussing this at Click here to read the full transcript.

I’m finally buying a cryptocurrency for the first time since I bought bitcoin at $100

April 23, 2018 By

I’ve FINALLY started buying a cryptocurrency, the first time I’ve bought one since I bought and told my subscribers to put 1% of their portfolios into bitcoin BEFORE bitcoin went up 20,000%. I think this one could be The Amazon of cryptos. Click here to see what cryptocurrency Cody is buying and why.

Proper portfolio allocation, Me on Google on CNBC, the Stellar Cryptocurrency and more

April 18, 2018 by

If you sign up for the Lifetime Trading With Cody subscription, you can send me more details about your portfolio and life before we talk and then we can spend 30 minutes discussing your situation and trying to answer these very questions for you in detail. Alternatively, you can also sign up for a Deep Dive where I will spend much more time working with you individually and I will put together a personalized playbook for you. Click here to read the full article.

Latest Positions Round Up Underscores My Recent Cautiousness

April 16, 2018 by

Here is a list of my latest positions with updated commentary and ratings for each position. You’ll notice I’ve got some cautious commentary on my longs because of their valuations and I’ve knocked the latest rating for most of my long a bit lower than usual — and you’ll notice I’ve got a lot of 8-rated shorts. That’s reflective of my continued higher levels of cautiousness these days. Click here to see all of Cody’s Latest Positions.

To see all of Cody’s positions, trade alert and analysis, you must subscribe to Get a free copy of all of Cody Willard’s investment books, including The Great Cryptocurrency Crash PLUS one free month of Trading With Cody so you can see all Cody Willard’s real-time trades and all of his personal positions. Sign up now and we’ll refund your first month’s payment (first time subscribers only). You can cancel at anytime.