The Election Thingy Happening Today

I guess there is the election thingy happening today. Have you guys heard about it? There is this one guy who people say is really conservative or something even though the government has given him billions of dollars in welfare personally. I thought conservatives were against welfare. Then there is this lady who has spent her life in public service and she has made hundreds of millions of dollars. Just like most other public servants have in the last twenty years, right? She must have really done a lot of good for poor people, because that is what liberals are for. Oh, I almost forgot there is this other buy who says he is Libertarian. Is that conservative or liberal? Does it matter? This same guy made millions of dollars being the so-called CEO of a worthless marijuana penny stock company.

The most amazing part of all of this election has been the general acceptance of these candidates. I know they are all very disliked, historically so even. But people are still willing to play the game and vote for these kinds of deplorable people. It is the candidates that are deplorable not the people voting for them.

A few predictions. Hillary wins in what will be called a landslide by the media and most pundits tomorrow. The stock market will pop 200-300 points tomorrow and rally 3-5% in the next couple of weeks. Do you want to try to game all of that? I donโ€™t. Most people struggle with trying to game political machinations that in the end are actually and factually incredibly nuanced. I am not going to make any trades based on this analysis and the way I am looking at the world and the market and that little election thingy.