The Lost Crypto Video

I lost the video recording of our zoom crypto call earlier this week. Somehow when I clicked over to share my screen on zoom, it shut down the recording. I was going to share the transcript and a link to the video with you all, but that can’t happen now. I covered my history with currencies and cryptocurrencies, why bitcoin and ether are so successful and why 10,000 of the 12,000 cryptos that currently exist are likely headed to $0.
But I also talked a good deal about my ideas for a cryptocurrency that could somehow be designed to go up in value along with The Space Revolution and another idea of a cryptocurrency that could somehow be designed to go up in value when all those crappy, silly and/or fraudulent cryptos crash to $0.
And frankly, based on some of the ideas that we came up with on the zoom call and that are now being aggressively developed further by me and my partners for this project, I’m pumped about some of the opportunities we might be coming up with here. On that note, if you are a crypto expert and/or if you want to get involved in helping us develop a Space Crypto (I think this is the one we’ll try to do first), please let us know at
The good news is that I’ll record a presentation that will cover a lot of the basics from my Crypto zoom call that we lost in a couple weeks here for my dad’s Rotary Club. I’ll do a transcript and share that video when it happens.
I didn’t do much change in the portfolio this week with stocks or cryptos. I continue to work on some new names but I’m, as always, going to be disciplined about any new purchases. I’ll also do some fresh market and economic analysis for you all next week too.
Speaking of cryptos, I’ll be on Fox Business around 2:45pm ET today to talk cryptos (and also metaverse, I think) with my old pal, Charles Payne. Have a great weekend. I leave you with this picture from my phone last weekend: