The next FAANNG stocks (and the last ones too!)

I’ve got a University of New Mexico Alumni Board meeting this morning, so let’s do this week’s Trading With Cody Subscriber Live Q&A Conference Call at 3pm ET today instead of the usual 2pm ET. We’ll get a podcast and a transcript of the call posted and send it out to you before I go head out for Albuquerque this evening. Join me on the phone (Dial-in: #: 641-715-0700 Access Code: 709981), in the Trading With Cody chat room or just email us your question.

I can’t believe how many times I’ve heard people talk about how our long-held and largest positions are the “only” leaders in the stock market. Just this morning I heard Jim Cramer start to include Nvidia in the acronym FAANNG — Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix (which we don’t own right now), (and now) Nvidia and Google. These are the stocks that everybody realizes have been driving the stock market this year. But as you long-time Trading With Cody subscribers know, we owned these stocks before they were an acronym to describe the best stocks on the planet. Let’s keep our heads down and find a few more stocks that pundits can add to their trading acronyms in a few months or in a year, just like we did with these so far.

I’m hard at work on a Latest Updates and I have a few trades I’m going to make this week so stay tuned for those.

Again, be sure to join me for this week’s Trading With Cody Subscriber Live Q&A Conference Call at 3pm ET today instead of the usual 2pm ET. Call in by phone (Dial-in: #: 641-715-0700 Access Code: 709981), log in on the Trading With Cody chat room or just email us your question by hitting reply to this email or at