The Space Revolution will be the largest industry in the history of the planet

The Space Revolution will be the largest industry in the history of the planet

The tectonic plates of our society, economies and culture have shifted to a place where for the first time in the history of our planet, private companies will be in a Space Race. Think about that — for all the world’s riches, there are many more times the amount wealth to be had in outer space. Up until the last decade or so, only the richest governments in the world could possibly consider space travel. Fast forward to today and a private space company (SpaceX) has made NASA look silly and stuck in the mud. In another five years, people will be paying money to travel on space ships from private companies to space colonies on space stations, the moon and Mars — all funded from private companies.

In fact, there are dozens of private startups looking to blast us into The Space Revolution, starting with the most obvious and biggest ones like Blue Origin and SpaceX on down to companies like Relativity Space, which is founded by a bunch of former SpaceX and Blue Origin. Relativity is planning to use 3D printing technology to manufacture rocket ships at a fraction of the cost of current designs and processes.

I’d mentioned in the most recent quarterly investor update that I send to my hedge fund partners the following:

“There are trillions of dollars moving every day in this economic world and some of these trends are building to places that are about to become obvious trillion dollar industries. The biggest opportunity of all that’s just now burgeoning into what might become perhaps the single largest industry in our economy over the next three to five decades — The Space Revolution.

The best publicly-traded play on The Space Revolution is Boeing, which I’ve started building a position in already because I like the duopoly status of its airplane business anyway. But as you also know that we also have the ability to invest in some non-publicly-traded companies using Republic and other platforms.”

Cody back in real-time September 17, 2020. Some of the leading companies in The Space Revolution will be coming public in the next few years and I’ll be on top of every single trend, revenue model and idea that will be creating the biggest industry in the history of our planet. Yes, I said it, The Space Revolution will be the biggest industry in the history of our planet.

The Space Revolution will create many trillions of dollars of new markets as we populate the skies with ever-more functional satellites (think speeds 100x that of 5G for $20 a month available anywhere, anytime for billions of customers), and then we’ll start creating privately-funded colonies on privately-funded space station societies and on the moon and on Mars. And we’ll be mining precious metals and (heretofore) rare (Earth) minerals on asteroids and harnessing the energy of comets and sending unmanned space drones to mine the outer reaches of the galaxy…I’m not exaggerating.

Remember back in 2009-2011 when I used to predict so endlessly with so much confidence that the Smartphone Revolution would create trillion dollar industries and that we needed to invest heavily in it? And I’ve often noted that we’ll find amazing Revolutionary companies coming public as each Revolution gets into second and third gear. That’s exactly what’s about to happen with The Space Revolution. This isn’t about investing in a company here and there today. It’s about getting our ducks in a row as we prepare for the largest industry in the history of the planet to take off.

I’m as confident that The Space Revolution will create the easiest and most obvious next trillion dollar opportunities as I’ve ever been about any Revolution Investment theme I’ve positioned us for. More confident, in fact. Beam me up, Scotty, because space is truly the final frontier of our planet’s economy.

I’ve also been pounding the pavement and the phones to open up opportunities to invest in some of the most exciting pureplays on The Space Revolution and I’ve found two that I’m putting money into, neither of which at this point are publicly-traded — SpaceX and Relativity Space. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to invest in these private deals without doing all the same work using the connections I’ve used for Trading With Cody subscribers to get into these deals. I’m trying to get each of you Trading With Cody subscribers the opportunity to invest in some of the private space deals I’m doing and looking at, so stay tuned. And if you are an accredited investor and are interested in trying to get into some of these private deals, let me know and I’ll try to make some introductions for you. But again, us preparing to make trillions of dollars in The Space Revolution isn’t about today. It’s about the next few years and especially the next few decades.

And anyway to be sure, there’s a lot more risk investing in The Space Revolution companies that are still mostly private and unprofitable than there was investing in many of, say, The Smartphone Revolution stocks back in 2011, most of which were profitable and getting more profitable with clear business models with high gross margins. That’s not the case with these capital-intensive space startups that have years of investing and development ahead of them. Regardless, there will be trillions of dollars made by investing in The Space Revolution over the next few decades and the earlier we get started, the better, even if its with just a tiny fraction of our capital for now.

There’s a lot of hard work to do, trends to follow, technologies to discover and ideas to fund for many years ahead and I assure there’s one place you’ll be able to stay ahead of The Space Revolution — Strap yourself in, it’s time to get ready to blast off.

On a housekeeping note, I want to mention that I pulled the hedge fund’s investment in Juul a few weeks ago before it closed and just before all those headlines about vaping starting to kill people started to hit. I’m done with nicotine investments forever, I suppose. Let’s think about it — rocket ships and trillion dollar markets or supposed innovations on nicotine addiction. I’ll think I’ll stick with real Revolutions, like maybe The Space Revolution which is about to become the largest industry in the history of our planet.