The Tesla Optimus Skills Store Will Mimic The Apple App Store

Much like your smartphone, Optimus robots will have access to an app/skills store – the Tesla Optimus Skills Store. This platform allows developers to create specialized apps/skills for various tasks, from construction to healthcare.

The Tesla Optimus Skills Store Will Mimic The Apple App Store

First off, I will be on the road, so Bryce will host the Live Q&A Chat on Wednesday, July 31 at 3:00pm ET in the Discord channel, or you can email your questions to

Imagine a construction site where Tesla's humanoid robots, known as Optimus, are seamlessly tying rebar (an extremely laborious, repetitive, and often dangerous job) with precision and efficiency. This is not a scene from a sci-fi movie but a glimpse into our near future. These robots, along with those developed using Nvidia’s Isaac Robotics platform, are poised to transform physical labor tasks, leveraging advanced AI, machine learning, and an ecosystem of third-party applications.

There are many more skills, applications and services other than rebar tying that billions of people and millions of enterprises will need, and that means lots of third parties will have to help these robots become proficient at doing these manual labor tasks.

Here’s how it all comes together and why it could mean big business for Tesla (we'll tackle Nvidia's Isaac Robotics platform and its model in an upcoming analysis later).