They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel

They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
Chased a gringo last night through a field
Chased a gringo last night through a field

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine  — War

Cisco, our second largest position, is up about 7% here in the early going. Probably the single biggest relief there was the fact that Cisco’s government business showed some signs of life. That and the fact that the company did report a good quarter with good guidance.  I’m holding my remaining Cisco calls steady still — I have some that don’t expire until 2013.

Do I absolutely have to mention Europe this morning? An EU mention in the morning post is requisite, no? The broader markets are up a little bit here in the early going, probably because of some sort of new handshake they use over there when discussing bailouts.

The Cisco Kid