Trade Alert: A couple earnings trade gambles

A couple potential earnings trade gambles for those so inclined tonight.

I’m building a tiny position in BRCD September $7 puts for about mid-40 cents. Brocade is a storage networking company that just hasn’t caught any real traction in years despite being in a Revolutionary Growth sector. Win or lose I’ll be out of this trade in the next couple trading sessions likely with either a total loss on it or with some nice profits — probably a binary outcome there.

I’m also building a tiny position JDSU September $13 calls for slightly more than $2 each. It’s a fiber optic component and laser technology company whose biggest customers are the Ciena’s and Lucent’s of the world who have seen their businesses pick up as I’ve outlined and positioned us for already. This JDSU is a serial disappointer but the last couple quarters have actually been pretty good as the rising spending tide lifts all boats. Like BRCD, I’ll be out of this trade in the next couple trading sessions likely with either a total loss on it or with some nice profits — probably a binary outcome here too.