Trade Alert – A euphoric tech sell and a disciplined but embarrassing buy

Our biggest position Google, courtesy of the Google calls we added when the stock was in a lull period two months ago, Latest positions (and Trade Alert – Noogle Gibble, er Google Nibble), is hitting new all-time highs yet again, and I think it’s time to trim a little bit here. We’ve had a heckuva run and as usual, I’m going to sell into some of this euphoria since we were buying when it was down.

Amazon, our second biggest position, is creeping back towards its recent (and all-time) highs too. I’m not expecting to sell it down quite yet though. I think it can run towards $300.

Apple’s drooping again today. Even as I’ve been digging into and analyzing Apple’s fundamentals, price, and history of late and liking what I see, I’ve been patiently waiting to start scaling back into the some Apple calls.

With everything about Apple as bad as it seems right now, with my gut hating my fingers for pulling the trigger, and knowing that the hardest trade is often the right one to make, I’m…gulp…yes, going to buy a few long-dated AAPL calls. Looking out into January 14 with strike prices in the $480-525 or so range.

It seriously makes my stomach fill with butterflies and I’m almost outright embarrassed to tell you guys that I’m making this trade. Discipline trumps fear/embarrassment/butterflies every time though. So, looking only at how best to maximize our gains while minimizing our risks in the overall context of our portfolio, I’m going to be disciplined and make a buy of a first new tranche of the Apple calls.

This is the time, at least in regards to Apple, that separates the women from the girls and the men from the boys. Nothing is easy.