Trade Alert – A sell, a trim and a buy walk into a bar…

Trade Alert – A sell, a trim and a buy walk into a bar…
A guy walks into a bar…

I used to finish my “Cody’s Shot Clock” segment on Fox Business by reminding people that “the only thing permanent in life is family.” And family is the primary, number one reason I quit my TV career and left NYC to come back home to the mountains of New Mexico.

My mom needs to go to the dentist today and it’s a trek all the way down to El Paso for the appointment. So I volunteered to take her and help her find the place and wait for her while they take care of her. I love being home and I love being able to do this with my mom today. She used to come on my show sometimes to talk about her retirement funds and how best to manage them. That was always one of the most popular segments as our viewers and the producers were crazy about her. I am too.

So I’m not going to be able to make a Live Q&A Chat session today at 2pm EST and we’re going to reschedule it for tomorrow, Thursday, at 2pm EST.

Three trades to mention – I think it’s time to let our ECTYQ BK trade go. I’m not going to rush out of it today, but I will close out this position entirely for a loss (mea culpa) by the week’s end. I’ll try to get at least 6 cents per share for this tiny position I’ve got, but other than that, it’s just time to move on and accept that these BK technical trades are no longer a high-hitting percentage trade after years of having been so. One of the most important keys to long term success in the markets is the ability to move on from styles and trends that quit working. Things change in the market and you have to adapt to stay on top. So be it.

I’m also going to trim a tranche of First Solar, as we had bought more while it was down a few weeks ago.

And I’m adding a second tranche of TQNT common stock.

See you tomorrow!