Trade Alert: Bizarro World Stock Market

Just two trading days ago, I wrote:

“It’s been an absolutely wild week of action. Nice bounce from the lows *checks charts* uh, yesterday morning. I’m nibbling a few index puts here, reloading a little bit of protection. Maybe trim a little bit of the names we nibbled on during the panic *checks charts* uh, two days ago that have bounced, such as AAPL, JD, UBER, etc  a few others. I’m also trimming just a little bit of our TLT puts that have doubled or so in the last *checks charts* uh, 20 hours.”

Let me update this now:

It’s been an absolutely wild week and a half of action. Another swift sell-off from the highs *checks charts* uh, two trading days ago. I’m selling a few index puts here, unloading a little bit of protection. Maybe nibble a little bit of the names we trimmed during the big rally *checks charts* uh, two days ago that have sold off, and other names such as BIDU, UBER, SQ, etc  a few others. I’m sitting tight on our TLT puts that have been cut in half or so in the last *checks charts* uh, 20 hours.

I worked on the Latest Positions update this weekend. I will be finishing it up today.