Trade Alert: Buy into the “scentless” fear

What…you mean, the bulls can get scared sometimes? I thought they’d become fearless. And not in a good way.

But then today comes along and the latest loser to fail upward into the Treasury Secretary seat for the Republican Democrat Regime, Jack Lew-ser (ha! See what I did there. Punny, punny stuff, huh?) comes out and starts priming the propaganda pumps for October Debt-Ceiling-Fest. (I’m a hoot today, aren’t I?).

So the markets are down and the headlines getting a bit panicky and the bulls are actually fearful again for about the first time this summer. We’ve done a great job of setting ourselves up for this latest move and for the moves in metals, rates and elsewhere. Steady as she goes for us for now.

I am buying back a few FSLR common. I’m also buying more MSFT call options dated out into April of next year with $38 or so strikes.

Back in a bit with much more analysis.

Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice – Nirvana