Trade Alert: Buying more Netflix

Markets are less volatile than they were a month ago, but there’s still little complacency out there.

Netflix reported very strong subscriber growth and the company has long said 2017 and on is when they will get to “material profitability” and so it goes. 150mm total global subscriber base is their goal and that would give $NFLX a $20-30BB/year revenue base. The stock is getting hit, down 7%, and as planned, I’m going to step up and buy another tranche of Netflix, about twice as many shares as I bought earlier this week, building this into a still small, but bigger position.

Latest Cody Underground Podcast: Why gold might be topped out near-term but is probably going up 5-10 fold over my lifetime. Why biotech is in a bubble and about to crash. Why Facebook remains the best app company on the planet and more. Or just search iTunes for “Cody Willard”.

And be sure to check out the new Scutify Recap page which features all the most important discussions in the markets from today.

Steady as she goes.