Trade Alert – Buying some index puts and two tranche buys too

So…are there ANY bears or shorts out there reading this? Are the shorts dead? Does that mean a short-term top is around the corner again? I want to hear from all of you here on Scutify! Post a Scuttle here:

Trader’s Deep Thought of the Day – Why aren’t you scared about a crash? Haven’t you been scared about a crash at various points over the last five years of bull market? Shouldn’t you still be scared? $AEGN $NFLX and $TSLA…quite a variety of stocks at highs like that.

Let’s be careful out there right now. It’s been a long time since there was any semblance of a panic sell-off. I just can’t find any bears or shorts out there to speak of and that’s not bullish.

Another day, another all-time $SPY high, huh? Penny stocks and momos are on fire. Yawn…or no! Snap out of it, folks! Traders beware risk of panic sell-off. Investors be ready too. Index puts, anyone? I’m buying some IWM and SPY puts with strike prices just slightly out of the money, just below where each is currently trading, dated out into April and May. Just some protection as I think complacency and sentiment are too extreme and it’s time to buy some insurance.

On the other hand, I never read very much into any single day’s action in any single stock, including today with $INVN. I’m still building up a long position in that one anyway, so I’ll be scaling into more on weakness, like today and I’m buying a second tranche of both INVN and JDSU common stock.

PS. We’ve implemented a new feature on Scutify called the Bullish/Bearish Indicator on stocks. Users can now go to a stock page (e.g. $AAPL) and see the % of bullish people compared to % of bearish people. We intend to rate users who make the most correct calls and also their percentage returns as well. We also plan to do this with All-Stars too. So select your Bullish/Bearish view on your favorite stocks on Scutify right now. Thanks.