Trade Alert: Don’t panic into the panic

I’m covering some more shorts selling a few more of our puts into the continued decline in the stock markets today, including 20-50% of my SPY and SMH and IWM shorts and puts.

GLUU is being decimated, and I’m covering half of it. I covered a little more VHC too.

I’m also buying some Cisco, CSCO, as I think it stands to be the biggest beneficiary of the Huawei ban/not ban. I’ll explain more analysis on this trade next week. And I added a little bit to my GOOG call options dated out to November and December, now with about 10-15% out of the money strikes.

I’m nibbling a little more TMUS and UBER.

I’ll do some more market analysis and write up either later today if I can find the time or this weekend. Don’t panic into the panic.