Trade Alert: Drinking the water while it is cold

Lindsay is down nearly $10 from its recent highs, even as it remains up nearly $10 from where we first started buying it. I’ve not sold a share since we first bought it and I’d like to add to it now while it’s down even as its outlook and visibility into that outlook for the foreseeable future has gotten even better than it was the last time it was at these price levels a few months ago.

As usual, I suggest following the playbook with LNN or just about any other stock any time you ever trade — When you’re ready to pull the trigger, start by buying 20-35% as much as you want to eventually own and then scale into more in coming days/weeks/months, depending on your time frame.

I’m going to add to my LNN by buying about 1/4 as much of a position of common stock as I had.