Trade Alert: Fed speaks, markets rally, we trim calls

I am in Dallas for the CFA event, to which I was invited by a reader of mine with whom I had been trading emails for more than ten years. I am very excited about moderating a panel with Jeremy Siegel, Professor, Wharton School, University of  Pennsylvania, William H. Eigen, Chief Investment Officer, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, and Michelle Seitz, Head of Investment Management, William Blair. I will not be able to make the live Q&A chat today. We will reschedule for a later time. More details to follow.

We have a bit of rally into Janet Yellen’s testimony about Federal Reserve policies. As I have outlined, the talk is very dovish and some of the questions have been about the Fed potentially going to negative interest rates. Netflix and Amazon are both popping and we are up pretty nicely on our recent call option purchases. I am going to sell 1/3 of my call options in Netflix and Amazon today and will hold the rest for now. As someone noted in the chat room yesterday, I just don’t trust this market.