Trade Alert – Herbalife close (and a personal note)

Don’t go posting it all over the Internet, but my wife is 39 weeks pregnant and we’re about to welcome Ms. Lyncoln Lee Willard to this world! I get why people call a new baby a miracle. Amazing times.

I’ll probably be a little bit light on the writing after the baby is born in the next week or so. I’ll be spending as much time as my wife will allow me to holding that baby.

I’ll be staying on top of all our positions and the news and will immediately update you on anything meaningful, of course.

Meanwhile, I want to close out the recent highflying short hedges to our bubblicious net long portfolio. In other words, even though I only got a tranche into the building process of the HLF and UBNT short positions, they have, along with many of our long positions, been going straight up and I’m simply going to be disciplined in taking the loss. I’ll look to re-enter the HLF short at some point, but I’m moving on from UBNT entirely, as it’s not a bad company. I do think HLF is a bad product and a bad business model at best.

Don’t forget we have this week’s Live Q&A chat at 2pm EST at, or you can send me your question ahead of time to and putting “Q&A QUESTION” in all caps in the subject line.

Back in just a bit with something only for TradingWithCody subscribers.