Trade Alert: How I’m Buying SKTL Space Tokens Since It Airdropped

Trade Alert: How I’m Buying SKTL Space Tokens Since It Airdropped

Here’s how I am starting to buy the tiniest bit of SKTLs Space Debris-Cleaning cryptocurrency tokens, and you can too even if you didn’t get any of the free airdrop. To be clear, I am only buying the tiniest bit of SKTL tokens using maybe like 0.01% of my risk capital and I don’t think anybody should risk much more than that on SKTL tokens either. Furthermore, I clearly have a bias on this cryptocurrency token as I am also a co-founder. BE CAREFUL!

To buy SKTL tokens, first you need some BNB tokens from Binance. If you bought any Helium HNT tokens when I sent out the Trade Alert about how I was buying them, you probably opened an account at which was one of the few exchanges to offer Helium HNT tokens at the time. So if you do have a Binance account already then log into it and buy some BNB tokens. If you don’t have an account at, click here to get started opening one using my referral code. It will take some time, up to a few days, for binance to approve your new account after you submit all the required documents. Once you’re approved, proceed to with buying some BNB tokens and then go onto the next step.

You’ll then want to withdraw those BNB tokens to your Metamask wallet. If you received the airdrop, you can skip to the next step (in bold below). If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, just download the app. Once in your Metamask app, click the three bars in top left corner to open the menu bar. Click “Settings” and the click “Networks” then “Add Network”. Fill in the following information:

Network Name: Anything you want to name it (optional to name it all)
ChainID: 56 in decimal (if 56 doesn’t work, try 0x38)
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer:
Then click “Save.”

Next step is to click withdraw your BNB from So you’ll pick the BNB token and the BEP20 (BSC) Network and the paste your Metamask wallet address (to get your Metamask wallet address, open your Metamask wallet, click on your wallet address — it looks like an account number that starts with 0x… to copy and paste it) into the spot for the Recipient Address back on Binance:

Then finish going through the security steps required to get the BNB withdrawn and then wait a few minutes for that BNB to disappear from your Binance account and to appear in your Metamask wallet.

Now that you have BNB in your Metamask wallet, you’ll want to click on the three bars at the top left in the Metamask app. Select the Browser and then enter for the URL you want to go. Once there, click on “Trade” at the bottom and then click on “Swap” and then select BNB for the top selection. For the bottom selection the first time, you’ll want to change “CAKE” to SKTL and so you have to enter the “token address” for the SKTL token which is this:

Token Address: 0xD5F932911879df6d09F92Cc86605596e2392aB47

(yes, you have to copy and paste this: 0xD5F932911879df6d09F92Cc86605596e2392aB47 to get SKTL to come up for now):

Then you’ll choose how many BNB to trade for SKTLs. Don’t buy too much or the SKTL crypto all at once or it will spike up because of lack of liquidity (more on that in a moment).  You can also swap your SKTLs back into BNB, I suppose, but I haven’t tried that.

Now if you own some SKTL tokens and if also you have some BNB in your account, you can “Add Liquidity” to the pool to try to help keep the price from swinging too wildly every time someone buys or sells any SKTLs. There is even more risk to adding liquidity to any pool and I don’t think unfamiliar folks should blindly add liquidity since it may not be obvious what the risks are. Some of the added risks of putting your crypto include, in a simplified way, that you are basically going to end up buying a falling currency and selling a rising one in a paired trade). Please don’t put all your SKTL tokens into the liquidity if you plan on keeping them. But putting a small fraction of your crypto into the pool can help keep the token somewhat liquid and less volatile.

And that’s how you do the crypto thing. Yes, it really is this hard to buy and sell a brand new cryptocurrency after its initial launch. Don’t yell at me about how hard this is. If you think trading a new crypto is hard, should try creating a new crypto!

I’ve been buying just a few dollars at a time (literally, like $20 or $50 or so at a time), bidding around $0.001 or so worth of BNB for each 1 SKTL token. That is about 1/10th of 1 US cent worth of BNB per SKTL token. That is about $10 or so for 10,000 SKTLs. The price has been fluctuating quite a bit already and I’m in no rush.

That said, if this SKTL Space Debris-Cleaning Cryptocurrency can fulfill its destiny, it will become mainstream and would obviously then be much easier to buy and sell on major crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Binance itself and so on. I can tell you I have learned so much about how cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, DAOs, tokens, trading, swapping, staking, peer-to-peer exchanging and everything else that goes into the cryptocurrency movement. I remain convinced that more than 90% of today’s cryptocurrencies are headed to zero and I do believe that virtuous tokens that attempt to do social good through profit motive and transparent organization via smart contracts are going to help change the world.

In fact, if the dream of SKTLs becoming a currency for space-related businesses and artists and enthusiasts while keeping space accessible by funding the clean up of space junk to eventually become the de facto cryptocurrency on Mars itself when people are living there in ten or twenty years…well, we’ll be helping to change the worldS. As Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX says, “There will definitely be a Marscoin!” So it might as well be a virtuous one that helps make sure we can keep getting off this planet in the first place.

Reminder: please remember that putting any money into SKTLs is wildly risky in its own right even if SKTLs is built for trying to do good, and this is not something I’d consider putting anything but the tiniest bit of risk capital into, if at all. As always, I am simply telling you all what I am personally doing.

To the moon! To Mars!

This does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or cryptocurrency or token any other product or service by Cody Willard or any other third party. Furthermore, nothing in this is intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice and nothing in this should be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any investment or security or cryptocurrency or token or to engage in any investment strategy or transaction. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, security or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult your business advisor, attorney, or tax and accounting advisor regarding your specific business, legal or tax situation.