Trade Alert: Increasing the size of winners and cutting a loser

Trade Alert: Increasing the size of winners and cutting a loser

“Never change a winning game; always change a losing one.” – Bill Tilden

Bill Tilden styling and winning at the same time

“Losing doesn’t eat at me the way it used to. I just get ready for the next play, the next game, the next season.” – Troy Aikman

We’ve had a couple of really nice trades play out for us in the last few days, not even including the FB rally from $26. Lindsay, which happens to be both my sister’s first name and my mother’s maiden name neither of which has anything to do with why we own it, popped 10% yesterday and another 5% this morning.

LNN is a mid-sized position for me and I’m holding it steady as I think it can go much higher over the next couple years.

And both the Dollar Stores short ideas, DLTR and DG are down pretty sharply over the last couple days since we added them to the portfolio.

I shorted a little more common of both DLTR and DG this morning.

I’m also just cutting tail from my smallest position, Zinga. I’ve got too many other stocks I actually really like and that are winners to hold onto a tiny losing position.