Trade Alert – Investing in Caine’s Arcade…er, Apple

Caine’s Arcade

A 9 year old boy who built an elaborate cardboard arcade in his dad’s used auto parts store is about to have the best day of his life. Help Caine’s Scholarship Fund:

Here’s the Deep Investor’s Thought of The Day – Imagine that you had the opportunity to invest in Caine’s Arcade today. Do you think the success of your investment depends on whether or not the so-called fiscal-cliff is resolved over the next few days or weeks?

Do you think Caine’s own future career and success and wealth will depend upon the outcome of the next stage of the Endless Euro-debt Crisis? Or more likely, his own ingenuity, creativity, gumption and perseverance will be by far the primary driver of his both his and his investors’ success?

What is the point of trading and investing anyway? Is it to try to make sure you generate as much returns as possible in 2013? (That’s what your mutual fund, hedge fund and most other money managers care about because that’s how they get paid, by the way.) Or are you trying to make sure you maximize your gains over your entire lifetime? Every investor and even short-term traders needs to keep an eye on the bigger picture.

As for trading, I’m buying some Apple common stock with it trading down here near $500 again to go along with my already big common stock position from much, much lower levels, along with my recent loser call positions.

Other than that, I think I’ll take some inspiration from Caine and bust butt on my own passions, ideas and work to see if I can emulate some of that success he’s already had in his brief life…er, career.

Happy holidays too, of course. Peace on Earth.