Trade Alert: It’s The Next Note (The Next Investment) That Makes Us Right Or Wrong

Trade Alert: It’s The Next Note (The Next Investment) That Makes Us Right Or Wrong

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“It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note – it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong.” – Miles Davis

I’m a member of a three piece band mostly called “The North Creek Trio” but we also sometimes call ourselves, “Stop, Drop and Roll”. Anyway, regardless of our lack of a standardized name, we get together about 3-4 times a month to jam. My friend, Rod, who used to be a drummer in a band in high school and college in the late 1960s and early 70s is a gifted singer and good drummer. My friend, Piper, is a great guitarist and solo artist in his own right, but he plays bass for us most of the time in the band. I’m mostly our guitarist and backup singer (I’m not a good singer, but I sing like I’m in the shower and give it my all, so that’s that).

Anyway, a couple weeks ago, we broke into a jazzy, bluesy riff and I started improvising a lead on my Les Paul but quickly hit a wrong note in the wrong key. But I decided to play that same sequence of notes again, including the “wrong note” and it sounded pretty good the second time I went through it. By the time I’d repeated it for a fourth time, we all were bobbing our heads with the music and feeling pretty good about what we’d just created together.