Trade Alert: I’ve Cut My Real Estate Holdings In Half

I’m moving my offices off the mountain. I mentioned a few months ago that we’d chosen to move off the 7500′ elevation where our old house was in order to get Amaris to a lower elevation at about 5000′ elevation, 30 minutes away. I’ve been commuting from my new house to my office daily for 35 minutes each way since we’d moved. Well, the universe is funny sometimes because an old friend of mine came by my office a few weeks ago and made an offer to buy it from me on the spot. I took it so that I can move my office to a building just 5 minutes from my house where I already had an office set up to go to on the weekends sometimes.
Anyway, since I’m always trying to communicate any trades I make in my life, I’m communicating to you all right now that I’ve sold a lot of real estate in the last few months, culminating with selling my office now. After we close this sell, I’ll have sold 3 offices and one house one 40 acres in a small tourist town. At that point, my real estate holdings will be just my house and the improvements on the 300 acres that came with the house that we bought when we moved off the mountain. This is a shot of my driveway from two nights ago.

So I still have a lot of land and some buildings and improvements on that land, but I have cut the value of my real estate holdings in about half by making these sells of the house and offices on the mountain. I still like real estate long-term (especially land, as always), but I’d rather be selling real estate than buying real estate in general in 2021. And that’s exactly what I’ve done.
This year has been exhausting. SPAC Bubble To Crash, Memes Mania To Mean Reversion, Silly Cryptos To Fake Cryptos, Strong Megacap Markets To Demolished Average Stock. Those are some of the themes I can think of off the top of my head as I haggardly look back on another year that’s almost gone by. I’ll do a year-end review analysis and a look ahead at next year analysis in coming days. I’m not doing much any trading in the personal account right now and I’ve done a little bit of raising some more cash in the hedge fund from both longs and shorts over the course of this week so far. Easy does it for now.
So with me moving my office this weekend, we’re going to have the next Weekly Q&A Chat at 1pm ET next Tuesday, December 14 in the TWC Chat Room or just email us your question to