Trade Alert – Lights, printing, and puts

Morning trading notes –

I’m adding another tranche to the CREE common stock long that we started building a few weeks ago. Just a steady-as-she-goes kind of tranche building up of the position here. I’ll add another 1/3 position this morning and get up to about 2/3 as big as I plan on making the position.

I’m also adding another tranche of XONE common stock, which is part of our 3-D printing basket of stocks, along with DDD and SSYS. XONE did a secondary last week and the stock has fallen both before and after the sell, but I think this thing is headed much higher over the next few years if the company can deliver on the huge industry growth ahead for 3-D printing. Just about a 1/5 position add too the XONE here.

And I’m also buying a few Sept puts on BBRY with $11-$14 strike prices. The new Blackberry was released today…you didn’t know that did you? Exactly. The company’s still doomed, as I’ve been saying and writing since we first got short this thing back above $100 a share a few years ago. Time to get back in for the ride back into single digit territory, I do believe. BBRY reports earnings next week and if the stock pops after the report (which I don’t expect), I’ll go buy a bunch of longer-dated BBRY puts because pretty much nothing the company will say next week will change my analysis on this thing being headed to low single digits (ala Nokia) in the next year or two as critical mass has been completely lost in the Blackberry world. If the stock drops after its report next week (which I do expect), I’ll likely take some big profits on these new puts and I’ll decide what our next move is after that depending on the price and set up and what not.