Trade Alert – Locking in more Tesla put profits

I’ve talked a lot about my $TSLA puts and most recently here –

And I’ll repeat what I wrote earlier, “Tesla’s quarterly report was exactly as I’d expected, not up to the elevated expectations. So the stock was off about 10% earlier this morning and is now off nearly 15% an hour into the trading day. I’m going to sell half my $TSLA puts right here, right now and then will sell almost all the rest of them over the course of today, keeping just a small tranche on the sheets and maybe looking to roll up into some new puts after this stock settles post-quarterly report.” Still trimming those down though I got a bunch sold near the lows of the day which came right after I sent out that Trade Alert. You’ll never nail the exact bottom or the exact top. And no mea culpa needed for that.”

I am as noted, still holding some of them, even after having locked in huge profits already. I am selling about half of my remaining holdings of Tesla for even bigger profits.

I’m still holding about half of my $GSVC puts mentioned that same article, even as the stock continues to crater back towards my single digits price target. Not trimming any more of those yet.

I have a good feeling we’re about to see a lot of new pitches (ie, trading and investment opportunities come our way as this bubble-blowing bull market sure feels like it’s about to make its next BIG move. Stay tuned!