Trade Alert: Locking in some big profits from our Pandora short

I’m headed to Los Angeles again next week for a bunch of meetings with talent and agents and managers and publicists along with some networking with money managers and who knows what else for 3-4 days. I’ll be sure to post some analysis and updates and any Trade Alerts from the road.

Speaking of Trade Alerts, I’m going to go ahead and cover 1/3 of my Pandora short. Recall that when I’d last traded Pandora, it was to short more around $14-15 per share when it was spiking up on rumors of being a supposed acquisition target and/or that their declining business was magically turning around:

“I think they’re right that there will be additional costs that aren’t yet factored into most analysts’ estimates, but I do not expect that Pandora‘s going to see revenue growth ever get above its current 20-25% and is likely to actually slow, not accelerate. I’m going to re-short some Pandora shares that I’d covered a few months ago when the stock was in the single digits and I’d covered half my short.”

Funny, you know what the name of the article I linked to about covering half of my Pandora short when it was in the single digits?

Trade Alert: Locking in some profits from our homerun Pandora short

With the stock trading well below $8 per share right, at the lowest levels in many years, I’m going to go ahead and lock in some of those profits. I’d look to re-short these shares again if P ever gets back up above $12 or so in future months, though I doubt that will happen. In fact, I’d obviously cover all my Pandora short shares if I didn’t expect the stock will be a slow drip lower towards $5 or lower in months and quarters ahead.

Pandora has truly been an idea “paired trade” for our many tech longs. Rock on, as in like, Pandora’s a music station, see, so rock on.