Trade Alert: Locking in some QQQ and AXGN profits

DJIA back above 18,000. Aren’t you glad you didn’t panic when the media and so many other people were panicking over Brexit? Aren’t you glad you did a little buying when others were fearful?

I’m going to make a couple trades this morning, locking in some profits. I’m selling 1/3 of my remaining QQQ call options, which means I’ll have about 1/2 of the QQQ call options I bought during the Brexit panic left.

Meanwhile, I’ve been patiently waiting to lock in some profits on our rare small cap (former) penny stock, which is up 80% since we bought it a few months ago. I’m going to sell 1/10th of my position in this name, just locking in some profits there too.

That’s it for today so far.