Trade Alert: Making moves in FB, GOOG, Z and EWY

I’m making a quite few trades today. Trimming some longs to lock in some profits, removing one long and adding to a short.

Facebook’s stock has been climbing for weeks and is at all-time highs and the market cap of this company is now over $400 billion. The company’s only been around for 13 years, which means it’s created $30 billion of valuation per year since its existence on average. I’m going to trim 10% of my Facebook today, just locking in some more profits on this stock that is now up about 500% since we made it a Top 3 Largest Position back in 2013.

Google’s hitting new all-time highs and it’s now up more than 300% from its 2011 levels and up 2000% since its IPO. I’m going to trim 10% of my Google today, just locking in more profits.

If Zillow can grow 20% this year and 15-20% for the next couple years after that, as it expects to, the company could earn more than $1.50 per share in 2019. But that still gives it a forward P/E of 30 on best case estimates two years out. I’m just going to let this stock go for now at about break even from where I bought it and will revisit it in coming months.

Samsung’s CEO got arrested, North Korea’s actively grumbling but the South Korean stock market just climbed right up on those bricks of worry. It’s amazing when markets shrug off seemingly important developments, but it often can be short-lived. I’m going to short about a 1/3-sized position in EWY today.

I’ll be sending out a Latest Positions write-up in a little bit, so stay tuned for that.